Standing water, which can also be considered as water ponding, is an occurrence that usually happens in areas that are prone to heavy rain or storms. The occurrence generally presents as water pooling on top of concrete and not draining away. This can present as an issue with your concrete as the pools of water can indicate an issue going on with the concrete or signal damages that need to be repaired. Wherever the standing water is occurring there are different reasons that may have led to it along with different ways it can be solved.
Reasons Behind Standing Water
There are different reasons that standing water occurs on concrete and it depends on the type of concrete structure as well. The two main types of concrete structures that would be generally affected by standing water are concrete driveways and patios.
Both structures may have standing water happening due to improper laying of the concrete or an improper slope that may have affected the water flow. Aside from this, it could also be because of issues with the drainage system that either need damage repair or clearing from clogging. Simply put, if you wish to prevent further development with standing water on your concrete, a good thing to check first would be the state of the drainage and the placement of the concrete.
The main difference in why standing water may be happening on either structure is their different features. With driveways, one reason for standing water could be due to the driveway sloping down to the house. Patios on the other hand may have standing water occur from a roof overhang or downspout that may need to be adjusted or changed.
Resolving Standing Water on Concrete
A number of different issues can be caused by standing water. These include the creation of a slippery surface, an increased risk of ice, potential growth of moss and mildew along with other issues. In order to such issues of the potential towards them, there are different ways that you can deal with standing water on driveways, patios or otherwise.
For Driveways
The first thing that you will want to do when dealing with standing water on your concrete driveway is to mark where the puddles are and clean out the area to ensure a smooth process. Once this is done, you will want to work on repairing any damages like cracks smoothening them out and having any patches dried. Depending on the type of damages shown on your driveway, there are different ways that you can have standing water dealt with.
For Patios
With patios, a recommendation for dealing with drainage issues would either be cutting the drainage channel or drilling drainage holes. With the channel, you can have it filled with gravel or a stone to fit with the aesthetic and with the holes, you will want to have them at about three centimetres in diameter to remove excess water. You also have the option to have the water redirected by changing the direction of the downspout. If these are not enough you will want to consult professional service to improve your drainage system or have the patio overlaid.
Other Options to Note
Aside from the noted options, you can have in dealing with standing water on driveways and patios, you will also want to check for any damages that may need preparation or curing in the process. ill want to evaluate a need for curing application and even a post-patch evaluation. Having extra measures in mind when it comes to maintaining your concrete from issues like standing water can go a long way.
How Gladstone Concreters Can Help
Given the different ways that standing water can be dealt with depending on the type of concrete structure and length of damage, you will want to have a professional service group to ensure a sturdy finish. When you choose Gladstone Concreters for assistance in dealing with standing water issues, you can be assured of quality service that can address everything that your concrete structures may need with a hassle-free process and dependable professionals to consult.
Out of the different issues that can end up affecting your concrete, standing water can be a sign of different issues you may need to address. From issues with the drainage system to a need for overlays or renovation, there are different reasons and ways that concrete structures can be affected by standing water. Along with those different issues though are different options for resolving it, and with the right professional service, you can prevent the issue from growing and building up your concrete’s sturdiness. Reach out to our top concreters so we can offer our assistance!